Jennifer Rehm
Pretty Little Liars Book Review
It was a normal summer day in Rosewood,and five best friends were having their sleepover at the end of the summer. It was the summer between 7th and 8th grade, but this sleepover will be different from any sleepover they will have and the last one they will have with all of them.
Pretty Little Liars is about five girls named Aria, Hanna, Spencer, Emily and Ali. They all meet at Rosewood when their parents force them to help out at the charity- except Spencer who volunteers herself to help. Instantly these 5 girls become best friends and become the popular faces of Rosewood Day. During one of their sleepovers they were having Ali- the queen bee of the group they call her wanted to show the girls a hypnotizing trick her friends from field hockey showed her. They all agree to do it as Ali counts down from a hundred. Spencer gets nervous and says “wait hold on In anger Ali tells Spencer shes ruining the whole thing, Spencer opens a shade in the barn so there is more light Ali and Spencer start to have a fight as the other girls are still sleeping. Ali storms out of the barn and feeling bad about what just happened Spencer followers her so she can apologize to her. Aria wakes up as she hears the barn door slam shut. She wakes up and calls for Ali, but there is no answer. She wakes up Emily and Hanna and asks where Ali is and where Spencer went. They both dont know where they went. Spencer runs back into the barn and Hanna asks Spencer where Ali went Spencer says “I don't know, I thought…. I dont know. The whole room gets silent the next day they still hadn't heard from her. Three years have passed and the girls are juniors in high school, nothing in Rosewood is the same any more after Ali disappeared. The other four girls stopped talking, Aria left the year before to go to school in Iceland, but has returned. The other three have separated each other with other things like sports and Hanna has become friends with a girl name Mona who Ali use to make fun of. The police still don’t know if Ali is dead or alive the police keep looking for clues but they can’t find anything the girls are now looked at as the girls who friend mysteriously disappeared one night.
Then the girls all start to receive mysterious text messages from someone named -A.
-A some how knows all the girls secrets and sees anything they do and may know something about Ali the night she died. The girls try to figure out who this person is and if -A is the one who could have Ali or could have possibly killed her.
A quote that stuck out to me the most was “Where’s Ali?” Hanna asked quietly. “ I don’t know,” Spencer whispered. “ I thought… I don't know”. (pg 15) I like that quote because its the quote that sets off the rest of the story. Its the conversation the girls are having when they realized Ali has gone missing.
Excellent Read
I loved reading the series! They keep you entertained for hours. This book is one of my favourites! A viewer of this book said about Pretty Little Liars.
I watch the show Pretty Little Liars and i’m hooked to it, so I thought I would enjoy the book just as much. I loved the way the author made the characters in the story, they each have their own personality but are also similar in some ways. I loved the storyline of the book, the dialog in the book will make you not want to stop reading it.
I can't really relate to the topic of this book, even though I have had people I know pass away it wasn't as extreme as what the girls go through. The girls have gotten threatening messages and a person knows all their deepest secret, it would be interesting to know what its like to have this happen to me but I wouldn't like it to.
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