Sunday, April 13, 2014

Full of Heart- a must read book :)

Jennifer Rehm
Full of Heart
Full of Heart is a true story about Jr Martinez. He was born in Louisiana, he grew up without a Dad and his mom’s boyfriends were abusive to the both of them. He was very athletic and played football in high school , football was almost a way to get him out of the bad things going on in his life. His goal was to become a pro football player. But pretty soon Jr’s life will change, making his dream almost impossible. When Jr was nineteen years old he joined the army, on one normal day, like any other day in the army, something terrible happened. Jr was a humvee on a field when his front tire made contact with a roadside bomb. The bomb exploded with Jr still in the car, the car was on fire and Jr couldn't get out. He noticed his clothes burning into his skin. His friend noticed the car and helped him out of it. He remembers skin peeling off of his body and all he thought to himself was “he was going to die”.
Jr wakes up in the hospital, he was put in the burn unit at the hospital. The doctor told him he had worse than 3 degree burns over ⅓ of his body. He laid in the hospital for more than 3 months, without knowing what he looked like. Finally he asked the doctor if he could see his face for the first time. He looked at the mirror and couldn't recognize himself. He thought “How will anyone love me”.

The book goes through Jr’s life after his accident and talks about the challenges with having to deal with his new face and how trusting someone became a real issue in his life.
I read this book because I heard about his story before and I think he is very inspiring in how he dealt with himself. I wanted to know more about his life before his accident and how his life changed after it.
I think once you this book Jr will make you see life differently and appreciate the things you have. It will make you change your attitude on things, like if you wake up with unwanted pimples on your face or you are having a bad hair day it makes you realize that out there in the world people have gone through much worse.

Posted November 30, 2012

This book made me cry, it made me laugh, it made me realize that

This book made me cry, it made me laugh, it made me realize that there but for the Grace of God go you or I. J.R. overcame overwhelming pain and adversity, yet he never lost the will and spirit to live the best life he possibly could after devastating injuries. His smile, even tho it may be crooked, inspires and cheers everyone who comes into contact him. I would recommend this book to anyone who needs an uplifting story, and if you saw him on Dancing with the Stars, you know why!!!
- Someones opinion on the barnes and noble website after reading this book.